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Open Letter about the Potential CBSA Officers Strike

June 6, 2024

As Member of Parliament for Windsor West and NDP Critic for Industry, Great Lakes, and Canada-US Border Relations, I want to provide some context to the potential border disruption.

From my perspective as a Member of Parliament, representing one of Canada’s busiest border communities for 22 years, and as a City Councillor before that, the poor and disrespectful treatment of our border officers has always been a challenge.  As Windsorites, we know how important the border is to our community and for border communities right across Canada.  Whether a cross-border worker, for family, business, trade or safety, this border affects us all daily.

These border officers are in crisis at no fault of their own because the government refuses to align their work with other law enforcement agencies like the RCMP or corrections officers across the country. These officers are simply asking for wage parity, stronger job security, and better protections for their jobs. 

For example, they are asking for CBSA law enforcement personnel to provide employees with the same retirement benefits – 25 and out – that other federal law enforcement and public safety workers already have. The Treasury Board acknowledged this inequality for border officers after bargaining in 2021 but has failed to take concrete steps since then to fix this outstanding inequity.

Two major themes have always remained constant despite successive Liberal and Conservative Governments; the collective bargaining process has been done in poor faith by the employer, and a general lack of interest by the government to work on these issues. Yet they have made major job cuts to border officers and closed border crossings.

Most recently, the NDP and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) representing border officers, appealed to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and to the Minister of Public Safety, offering solutions at the start of this year.  The intent was to build good faith in negotiations.  Unfortunately, the Government showed no interest in practical suggestions that would have increased public safety and expanded trade, tourism, and efficiency along our borders. 

My NDP colleagues and I have consistently asked questions in Parliament and at committees. All of this was ignored.

We now find ourselves in an imminent strike situation.  Strikes are the last resort when all other means are exhausted.  In this case, the government has not acted.

Our border officers are proud, skilled, and effective at their jobs.  They deserve to be heard and respected.  The Government of Canada, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the President of the Treasury Board need to come to the table with a respectful deal that provides equitable treatment and benefits like other law enforcement officers have. They need to stop expecting these workers to stretch themselves so thin, without the necessary tools to do their jobs safely and effectively, and instead help facilitate safe and efficient border processing at all points.

As a New Democrat and Border MP I stand in solidarity of job action if required.  My hope is the Liberal Government begins to understand that a respectful, committed, and serious attempt to resolve these issues is needed now. 

Respectfully, I ask all Canadians, travelers, and businesses to exercise support and patience if required as these officers are our family, friends, and neighbours.  These hard-working officers deserve to be respected by their employer while they work every day to keep us safe and prosperous.  They have endured so much, and they want to be on the job for all of us – but fairly, safely and with the necessary tools to keep Canada and Canadians safe.

Brian Masse MP
Windsor West

NDP Innovation and Industry Critic, Canada-US Border Critic, Great Lakes Critic

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