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“The devastating earthquake in Turkey & Syria has killed thousands of people, injured many more, left tens of thousands homeless and in need of emergency assistance now and the necessary future help to rebuild.  The federal government must step up and follow the Canadian tradition of matching Canadians’ donations to relief efforts such as the Canadian Red Cross, and the Humanitarian Coalition , a joint endeavour of 12 Canadian aid organizations (Save the Children Canada, Oxfam Canada, Islamic Relief,  Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Plan International Canada, World Vision Canada, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, CARE Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Action Against Hunger, Doctors of the World, Humanity & Inclusion). My NDP MP colleague and Foreign Affairs critic Heather McPherson has been demanding the government act now. She has met with the Humanitarian Coalition and has questioned the Liberal government in the House of Commons (see video below). Please contact the Prime Minister [email protected] and demand matching funds for the urgent relief efforts.”


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